How many students are here at AGE?

We currently have 90 students.

How many students is your maximum?

We will grow to 100 students.

What is the age range? Now and in the future?

We currently accept students from Year 1 to 13.

What is the curriculum based on?

The AGE School curriculum is based on the New Zealand Curriculum. Each term focuses on a concept to integrate the key understandings and skills from each learning area. Our learning coaches then design engaging learning experiences linked to the real world and students interests within these areas.

How do I know my child is succeeding in Math, English, Science etc. ?

Students’ achievement and progress is measured against the levels of the New Zealand Curriculum. You will receive feedback and reports based on these, as well as how your child is developing socially and emotionally. 

How will you help my child if he needs to transition to another school?

With AGE developing right through to Year 13, we expect that most students will stay here through to the end of their schooling. If families are leaving town and so do need to change school, we will work with both the child and the school they are shifting to so that a successful transition can occur. We will share academic progress information and successful learning strategies with the school that your child is moving to. AGE’s nurturing environment is very different than most schools, so the earlier we hear about a move, the earlier we can help your child prepare for a different learning environment.

How will you manage having 13/14 year old students with 5/6 year old students?

The mix of ages is a special part of our environment here at AGE School. Most of the week’s learning is in separate areas for the different age groups. Our older students will run lunchtime activities and workshops some days for students and often act as role models around the school. This gives both older and younger students the opportunity to be themselves as well as opportunities to mix with students of different ages. 

How do students stay on task when on the floor and how are they monitored to ensure they stay on task?

At AGE School we focus on developing students abilities to self regulate. Flexible learning spaces, a range of environmental preferences and reset spaces all play a part in providing a learning environment for every situation. We help students learn when they need to use different environments to best manage their learning. If students need to reset their focus, they may be directed to different spaces to regain their focus. Learning coaches will then work with students to work out which environment will help them be most successful with their learning.