Learning in the Senior College

Senior learners take on more ownership of their learning and develop the knowledge and skills to turn their passions into meaningful projects. Utilising design thinking methodologies, students regularly create and innovate ideas and projects based on real-world issues in their areas of interest. Explicit learning sessions are delivered in Numeracy, Literacy, Science, Skills Development, and Health and wellbeing.

NCEA is achieved through a combination of Project-Based Learning and specialist options. Teacher advisors and a careers specialist help learners decide which standards are best suited to their project and aligned with their pathway. Many of our staff on-site are able to deliver specialist subjects but where we may not have the specialty, tutors are brought in on an as-needed basis.

Skills Development sessions continue into these important years by focusing more on creating a kete of tools for learners to know who they are, how they function best in society, and what they need to be successful in life.

Senior learners are also encouraged to develop leadership skills through designing lunchtime and camp activities for their peers or younger learners. The Duke of Edinburgh programme is also available to these learners.


 Senior College Pathways

As we launch their potential, Senior College learners embark on a variety of different pathways out of AGE. Below are examples of where our learners have taken their pathway into the world:

Academic Pathways

Achieving NCEA Level 2 (for Diploma programmes), Level 3 (for tertiary, including University Entrance), or Scholarship. Learners following these pathways have a vast range of options for tertiary institutions both in New Zealand and overseas.

If Level 3 is completed early, learners have the opportunity to participate in internship programmes or take papers at university through dedicated programmes.

Arts Pathways

Achieving a minimum of NCEA Level 2, with a portfolio and practical experience in the art of choice. Students following this pathway may go on to Performing or Visual Arts Colleges, Bachelor of Arts Degrees, or employment.

Vocational Pathways
Through the Gateway programme, learners are able to access more than 200 different vocational fields where they can also gain credits towards either NCEA Level 2 or Level 3. Learners embarking on this pathway most often leave school for employment or apprenticeship opportunities.